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5 Hobbies to Get Into After Leaving Rehab

There is a common saying in rehab that “an idle mind is the devil’s playground.” We all know how boredom can lead us to make mistakes we would otherwise have avoided. Sometimes, relapse happens because of nothing more complex than having too much free time.

When you leave rehab, it is therefore a good idea to get into some hobbies. These should be hobbies that don’t require too much of a time commitment. After all, if your hobby is mountain biking, it won’t help much when you have nothing to do on a random Tuesday night.

To help you with some ideas, here are 5 hobbies to get into after leaving rehab.

1. Sketching:


Many people will say they can’t draw, but that is rarely true. Even if you can’t draw well, you can probably pick up a pencil and start sketching. If you manage to keep from putting pressure on yourself, you may find it very calming. You will also gradually get better with practice, although you don’t have to focus on improving if you don’t want to. Sketching can be something to give you focus when you need it most. Plus, you can do it almost anywhere at any time.

2. Writing:


Writing is another activity that most people will say they can’t do. However, you don’t have to do it for anyone but yourself. Writing in today’s world can be a hobby that is entirely yours, especially since you can more easily keep your files on your computer hidden than pages of handwritten content. If you enjoy writing by hand and you’re not incredibly paranoid about anyone else seeing your content, that’s a great approach as well.

3. Food Prep:

Food Preparation

Making food is something that is stressful for most people who don’t know how to cook. But it is something you can pick up fairly quickly. Furthermore, you don’t have to cook or even bake if it just sounds too stressful. You can prepare foods like spreads and dips. This is easy work that simply requires chopping some ingredients or tossing them into a food processor.

4. Needlework:


Needlework is not for everyone, but some people love the simplicity of moving knitting needles, making anything from a shapeless blanket to a fitted jersey. It is another hobby you can become great at but don’t need to. It is something that keeps you busy when you need to pass the time.

5. Music:


Learning an instrument today is far easier than it once was. You don’t need to go to lessons, as you can learn to play online. You don’t even necessarily need to own an instrument. A good laptop can handle music production software – and every Macbook comes with GarageBand. You can plug in a MIDI instrument or you can simply use the laptop’s keyboard to create melodies.


Incorporating creative hobbies is crucial for maintaining sobriety and enhancing personal growth after rehab. You can find fulfillment and purpose in your daily life by exploring activities such as art, fitness, or volunteering. Serenity Malibu supports your journey to a healthier, happier future.

Licensed by the State Department of Health Care Services | Program ID Number: 190655AP | Program Expiration Date : 4/30/2025
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