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Guide to Drug Treatment

Although recreational drug use can be very common especially among younger people, substance abuse is never something to be taken lightly. Even minor drug use can eventually become more frequent and ultimately lead to a serious addiction. Most drugs cause chemical changes in the brain and while some are more addictive than others, continual use of any drug leads to a physical dependency. When an individual cannot function without the use of drugs on a regular basis then it is necessary for them to get professional treatment. There are a lot of issues that go along with drug abuse and addiction that need to be addressed in order for a person to fully recover. Abstinence is only one aspect of sobriety because there are many other factors at play when it comes to addiction.

When to Get Drug Addiction Treatment

Often the people that are dealing with substance abuse problems are not fully aware that they have an addiction. Drug use can change the way a person thinks and they start to develop denial or the inability to recognize the dangers of their behavior. They may feel that they are completely in control of their drug use or believe that they can stop any time when that is not necessarily the case. Some of the clearer signs of addiction are the need to use drugs to cope with difficult situations or in many cases simply to get through the day. An addict also looks forward to their drug use so much that it consumes their thoughts and becomes the focus of their daily life. If you or someone you love has been experiencing this type of situation then it may be time to consider drug treatment.

Confronting Someone About Drug Treatment

Confronting Someone About Drug Treatment

If you suspect that someone you love has been developing a dependency on drugs then you might want to think about the best way to discuss the subject with them. Talking with people about addictions can be tricky because they can become defensive or feel attacked if you don’t take the right approach. Learn as much about addiction and treatment as you can before talking with them and prepare what you want to say beforehand you don’t end up saying the wrong thing. One thing to think about when confronting someone is to find the right time to talk to them. You should never talk to them when they are under the influence but wait until they are sober and more willing to listen. Try to reserve judgment and anger which can backfire and instead be gentle, patient and open.

Interventions for Drug Treatment Programs

Sometimes you want to convince a loved one to enter a drug treatment program but you find it too difficult to approach them through a one-on-one conversation. If this is the case then you can instead try to set up an intervention by gathering together a group of friends and family members that are also feeling concerned about this person’s drug use. Make sure to talk with everyone that plans to be a part of the intervention and make an effort to have everyone on the same page as far as what to say and what type of approach to use. Tell everyone involved to set aside any personal issues they might have with this person and focus on getting them to enter treatment. The purpose of an intervention is to show an addict how many people are worried about them and want to see them get better.

Problems to Address in Treatment for Drug Addiction

Although the ultimate goal of treatment is sobriety, someone with an addiction has a lot more to work on than simply quitting their drug use. Addiction leads to all sorts of issues that need to be treated and resolved during rehab treatment. When a person has lost control of their drug use they are often so focused on it that they create problems with their relationships, their finances and could even lose their jobs. Addiction can also lead to some serious health issues including physical ailments and symptoms of mental illness. While in treatment, an addict will need medical assistance in treating their physical health problems and will need a lot of time spent in therapy to deal with their psychological and behavioral issues that have developed over the course of their addiction.

Tolerance and Withdrawal in Drug Rehab Treatment

People with addictions often end up increasing the number of drugs that they take on a regular basis over time. This is due to an increase in their tolerance, or their ability to experience the effects of the drug. After using drugs for a period of time, their usual amount will not have the same effect and they need to increase the dosage to feel high. This gradual increase occurs periodically throughout a person’s addiction so that after many years of substance abuse, the person will need to take a considerable amount to feel anything. This high level of tolerance makes quitting very difficult because suddenly stopping all drug use will inevitably cause the body to react strongly. Withdrawal symptoms tend to occur when someone has a very high tolerance for drugs.

Detoxing in Malibu Drug Treatment

Detoxing in Malibu Drug Treatment

Because withdrawal can be an uncomfortable and potentially dangerous thing for addicts to go through it is important to attend a licensed detox facility for help. Quitting drinking or using drugs at home without any help can often lead to relapse which can be especially risky. When an addict normally has a very high tolerance and they quit using drugs for several days they may dramatically lower their tolerance without realizing it. If they relapse and end up using their normal amount of drugs they can easily overdose because their tolerance has changed. In a detox facility, patients will not have to worry about potentially relapsing because they will be in a place where they are required to stay sober until all the chemicals leave their body. Staff members keep all patients in detox save and comfortable so that they can get through withdrawal without any problems.

Understanding the Addicted Brain in Drug Treatment Facilities

One of the reasons addiction can take such a powerful hold on people is due to its physical effects on the brain. There are certain neurotransmitters in the brain that pass information from one cell to another and are responsible for regulating functions like mood, sleep, appetite and concentration. Drug consumption as well as other unhealthy lifestyle choices can deplete some of these neurotransmitters and boost others outside of their optimal range which causes a number of negative effects. One of these neurotransmitters is dopamine which is known to be associated with feelings of pleasure and happiness. Most drugs tend to boost dopamine so that happy feelings and euphoria tend to last longer than they do with more natural activities. Eventually, drugs change the way dopamine functions so much that normal activities that used to bring pleasure have no neurological effect.

Dealing with Trauma in Drug and Alcohol Treatment

Although drugs have a definite physical effect on the brain which contributes to addiction, there are other reasons why certain people get drawn into substance abuse. A number of people in drug and alcohol treatment have experienced some sort of trauma either recently or in their early childhood. Traumatic experiences as a child can have a lasting impact and make it difficult for people to adjust normally as they grow into an adult. Examples of trauma could be abuse either in the form physical, sexual or emotional abuse as well as the sudden loss of a parent or other close family member. Any form of abuse in early childhood is associated with higher than average rates of substance abuse. During treatment, addicts can begin to discuss their trauma in therapy and learn how to understand the relationship between their psychological history and addiction.

Education in a Drug Addiction Treatment Center

In addition to talking with a therapist about any past traumas or other issues that might have led to an addiction, patients in rehab need to be educated about addiction itself. Most people who enter treatment might not fully understand what has caused them to become addicted and why they have so little control over their behavior. Most rehab centers include some type of rehab education either in individual therapy, group meetings or workshops that help patients understand what addiction really is and the factors that cause it to continue. Addicts may not even realize that they are using drugs as a way to handle their emotions, stress or boredom with life. They can learn to identify what their particular triggers are and what causes them to want to engage in drug use in certain situations. Understanding how your own addiction works is very useful in preventing relapse in the future.

Group Meetings in Alcohol Treatment Centers

Group Meetings in Alcohol Treatment Centers

For people that are addicted to alcohol, they might end up participating in twelve-step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or other types of group meetings. This type of format has been a long-standing method of giving people with alcohol problems a chance to tell their stories and connect with other people in a constructive format. A.A. and other types of meetings are a good way for people in recovery to start establishing their much-needed support network of people that will be there for them when they fall on hard times. Alcoholics and other types of addicts tend to isolate themselves while they are addicted and this can often increase their level of substance abuse. People who feel more connected and are able to talk with someone in times of stress will not feel as much of a need to use drugs as a coping mechanism.

Drugs Requiring Treatment for Addiction

Addiction can come in many forms and there is not any one person who wouldn’t benefit from receiving professional treatment for their substance abuse. The most common types of drugs that are abused to the point of addiction are cocaine, heroin, prescription opioids, alcohol and methamphetamines. Although these are the most common there are many other drugs that can be addictive and require treatment such as marijuana, ecstasy, ketamine, LSD, and benzodiazepines. No matter what type of drug a person is using, as long as they are exhibiting some of the signs of addiction such as tolerance and withdrawal they can receive treatment from a rehab facility.

Healthy Coping Mechanisms in a Drug Rehab Treatment Center

People who get addicted to drugs become adjusted to falling back on their substance abuse as a way to handle stress, depression, anxiety, anger or any other emotion that comes up. Self-medicating is a very common problem among people with addictions because that is the only way they have learned how to cope with the hard parts of life. Addicts rehab need to learn other strategies to cope with problems so that they can stay sober and avoid relapse when they experience hardships. Effective coping mechanisms such as having a healthy routine, staying connected with loved ones, and talking to close friends in times of stress can all help prevent relapse.

Options for Luxury Drug Rehab Centers

Drug treatment can vary greatly and does not always look the same for every rehab center. Some treatment facilities are considered luxury options because they provide plenty of amenities for their patients to feel comfortable and relaxed. Luxury drug rehabs are often in beautiful locations and provide specialized therapies that may not be available at other rehabs such as holistic and alternative treatment approaches. Depending on someone’s personal preferences and their financial resources, they may want to choose a luxury treatment center as the place where they will be most at ease.

Leaving California Drug Rehab Centers

No matter what type of drug you are addicted to or what type of rehab you are attending you will need to prepare yourself for the moment that you leave. Going home after completing treatment can be very intimidating because it will be the first time you are attempting sobriety completely on your own. It is a good idea to keep attending twelve step meetings, stay in contact with friends from rehab or enroll in an aftercare program to ensure that you are not going to relapse. In order to be fully successful in treatment, patients need to have the ability to remain sober in the long-term and handle their abstinence without professional assistance in the future.

Licensed by the State Department of Health Care Services | Program ID Number: 190655AP | Program Expiration Date : 4/30/2025
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