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Get Executive Care from Our Malibu Drug Treatment Center

Dealing with a drug problem as a professional can be challenging. After all, you’re going to have to juggle an acceptable balance between your professional life as well as the process of recovering from your condition. At Serenity Malibu Drug Treatment Center, however, we offer the best possible executive care program that has been tailored to specifically address your needs.

In some cases, professionals may not even get the care that they need, because not enough consideration is given to their daily lives.


Anonymity and Confidentiality

We acknowledge that, as a professional, your confidentiality is of primary concern. We make sure that all of our staff members go through standard privacy-protection protocols to ensure that all of our clients feel safe and secure with sharing information and seeking treatment at our Malibu Drug Treatment Center.

Upon consultation with us, we will discuss these protocols with you, as well as the special considerations that we make for professionals.

Freedom to Work

We understand that, as a professional, you may need to deal with urgent matters regarding your business or practice. In regular Malibu drug treatment programs, contact to the outside world is usually limited. However, considering that you will still want to preserve your engagements outside of the treatment center, we give professionals the necessary freedom to work. We even have a special office in which you can send messages and fax documents during your treatment program. All you have to do is approach our staff when you need these services so they can assist you.

Because we like to tailor our work to the needs of professionals, many have successfully completed their treatment programs while still maintaining adequate work for their practice.

In-depth Treatment

Professionals, particularly those who are working in or have a good understanding of the medical field, often require more in-depth discussions on the whole of your condition. We acknowledge that you will want to understand your treatment better, possibly from a medical perspective.

Because of this, we regularly provide one-on-one sessions with the doctors, as well as educational sessions with the staff, that cover all the information you might want to know about your condition and treatment. You will find that client education at our Malibu drug treatment center is far more comprehensive than you would get at regular treatment programs.

Getting treatment as a professional does not need to cause you extra stress. It may be tough to balance your health and career, but programs such as ours are sure to provide you with the support and consideration you need to make it work.

Licensed by the State Department of Health Care Services | Program ID Number: 190655AP | Program Expiration Date : 4/30/2025
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