Executive Care for Addiction at Serenity
If you are a busy executive or professional, it may seem like there are many barriers to recovery treatment that you have questions about. You may worry about having to be cut off from the world, or not feeling like you have the opportunity to enter rehab. You may also fear the stigma from colleges, customers, or employers who could judge your addiction and recovery.
A responsible addiction treatment facility has a responsibility to do all it can to make rehab and aftercare as accessible as possible, and, as much as possible eliminate anything that would make treatment difficult. Serenity Malibu, in keeping with its tradition of offering high quality care personalized to meet each individual’s needs, has crafted a Licensed Professional executive drug rehab program and will be happy to communicate with you about how it can meet your needs.

A Balanced Make-Sense Approach to Care
- We recognize the special needs of the busy executive and licensed professional.
- We are sensitive to and adhere to the strictest standards of privacy and anonymity.
- We understand that long lasting recovery is less likely if you can only function normally within the walls of an isolated rehab program. We are sensitive to the fact that many, while in treatment cannot afford to be cut off from their businesses and practices, nor the outside world.
- We maintain make-sense policies regarding cell phone and computer use, as well as considering needs for outside visits to handle critical private legal, medical, or business matters.
Our exceedingly qualified and fully licensed treatment team, evidence based therapies, and unparalleled facility amenities, combine to offer you:
- Peer-to-Peer interaction
- Physical and medical exams
- Dual Diagnosis therapy as applicable
- One-on-one private sessions at the Doctoral Level
- Relevant optional small group sessions focusing on recovery and relapse prevention predicated by individual multi-dimensional therapies
- Education on scientific, and medical aspects of alcohol and drug dependency including addiction and the brain, dialectical behavioral therapy, and more
- Holistic Care including acupuncture and massage, art & music therapy, yoga and gym, cranial sacral therapy, and more.
- Nutrition and Exercise guidance including personal trainers and nutrition.
- Luxury treatment including gourmet chefs, pool, Jacuzzi, beach walks, mountain hikes, movie nights, tours of famous/ historic interest, shopping, and more.
- Cell phone, computer, fax, scanner, and private office access.
- Aftercare and Transition planning.
Protection of your Privacy
Business Owners, Executives, Doctors, Dentists, Attorneys, Pilots, Psychologists, Nurses, Law Enforcement, HR, and other licensed professionals may have special contact and licensing considerations when seeking alcohol abuse or drug dependency treatment. Your Primary Therapist and Case Manager will assist you and cooperate in navigating matters of contact with outside professionals or referents critical to HR matters or professional licensing needs.
At the same time, we also recognize how privacy protection and confidentiality are of paramount consideration in your choosing a program.
We adhere to the laws governing privacy and confidentially – the HIPPA Act and Title 42 of the Federal Code of Regulations.
Anonymity In Recovery
If you are struggling with addiction, whether you are “high functioning” or have experienced a “bottom,” you are used to not being in control of your life. You may have experienced moments where it feels like the craving took over, and you were unable to pay attention to any other want or need.
Your voice was gone, and all you could think about was getting your next fix, even sometimes putting yourself or others at great risk. That powerlessness is one of the central marks of a life of addiction, and one of the largest things that helps someone recognize their need for help.
Recovery is all about you taking control of your life back. More than giving something up, it’s really about finding the freedom to live the life you really want. An important part of this is learning to reclaim your own story, to claim your truth without shame, and share your struggles and triumphs with supportive people, only when you choose to.
You must claim your right to your own story, to reveal or not reveal based on how supportive and nonjudgmental you feel like a particular person may be in your life. Serenity wants to do everything it can to respect you and empower your choices, and so will do everything it can to keep your involvement in the program private, anonymous, and confidential.
Experienced Addiction Specialists
Every person at Serenity is exceedingly qualified and ready to give you personalized service, helping you to meet all your needs while in recovery. Traditional assumptions about early recovery take you outside of the world and leave you completely cut off from your other responsibilities, acting as a total “break” from the life you knew.
However, research has shown that often, rehab cut off from the world is often not effective. Sobriety may be easy to maintain within the walls of the recovery center ; the challenge is to remain sober while in touch with your regular daily life. Serenity recognizes this by keeping you open to the outside world. The staff will be flexible to your needs, allowing you to get all the care you need while still giving you opportunities to remain in contact with outside careers and businesses.
Serenity Malibu will enable you to stay in luxury settings and give you access to some of the most experienced addiction specialists, to find the best program that works for you. We will be patient, understanding, and confidential in helping you get the help you need to turn your life around.